Saturday 10 October 2009


I thought I'd try something different. What better place than TWITTER. I didn't know it existed until it came to light in the last 7 months. Wow! you say, that's precise. Well it's the seven months following major surgery I went through, just similar to the operation Russell Watson (classical singer went through) to date though I've only had the one op...mine was keyhole surgery....the main thing is....I'm here.

I heard from media, news, etc, that Twitter is a place many of the stars hang out....well, I'm not a star, how could I be...? I'm a poet though and used to perform read....belong to writing groups, and love music. My ancestoral line from my birth either way does hold musicians.writers (sort of, not sure but was told) oh yes, dancers, artists, I could go on....but this here blog is about me, and just the fun I get out of words. Sometimes, I do make mistakes with the words...still re-training my brain...I did say, keep me writing...and so far I am.

Years ago, back in the 80s...I had a different name. Well, that is understandable, because I went back to my maiden name...anyway, while I had that name, I went back into education....then did alot of reading...find it a bit tough sometimes now after after many eye operations.The joy I had though was I used to love poetry...I had some trauma and found the words began to day, I was around a friends when her husband suggested he interviewed me on hospital radio...well, wow! I certainly had some fun that day, I kept sneezing, tissueing, yes, you got it...I had a cold...but it was the beginning of enjoying the radio scene....I had a go on a few hospital radio stations and even once on a radio station that began in the 80s...well, I wonder...I know what it was called....Southern it's Southern FM...or is it that one that is now called 'HEART' - this memory is blocking me thoughts....I'm beginning to like it being called 'HEART' cos quite a few years ago, there was this American poet, he said I had a heart...oops! it was only a poem...

I write as I speak...never have understood grammar - oops!better correct that...grammer....that still doesn't look right...better look in my electronic dictionary - gosh, I had it right first time.
I wrote a verse all about Hurstwood Park back seven months ago...glad I did, told the surgeon I posted it off to BUZZ....the Radio Sussex email mag...

Over the years, I' ve done a freelance community column for a newspaper, and guess what...I got that for my cheek....I started a non-profit mag back in 1999 - it all began, letters back and forth, I was the same newspaper that published my first letter....they stopped the section in 2003...carried on the stopped just before Christmas last year...but now, I'm starting it up as a theraputic hobby...others may like to follow it like tweets do these blogs...

I'm a poet thought...I always wonder where it comes from...I'm such an inspirational one that I ended up once having to have my hands operated for carpal tunnel.

Well, thats a little of the past leading to the present....
I noticed the other day that the Patron of my mag who is sticking by it...has started following my twittering.....

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